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Monthly Archives: September 2014

MOAR Comic-Con!  It’s taken me a while to post this since I got really sick shortly after Phoenix Comic-Con(what the hell? You mean vodka doesn’t kill mono?!) and then went to San Diego Comic-Con anyway.  Feeling mostly healthy again, fortunately.  I was also working on this: Clarion West Write-A-Thon.  Anyway, here’s all the cool books I bought, or in some cases got for free:

Phoenix ComiCon swag

Also, I must spread the good news about the Holy Taco Church, which I learned about at the Taco Council panel 🙂  There will be vegetarian options posted since Our Lady of Pico De Gallo, Leanna Renee Hieber is a vegetarian(with excellent fashion sense).

I also learned about Nerd Noms, a Youtube cooking show about making delicious nerd food.  I was most excited about the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, for which I may be needing to use my hangover cure:CAM00502

No, I don’t put it all in the blender and choke it down.  That would be gross.  I drink the whole bottle of water before bed, then make the Emergen-C and miso soup separately for breakfast.  The vitamin water also helps if you can’t stand Emergen-C, or if you still feel kinda icky and need to take something with you on horrible travels into the harsh light of day.

Aaaaaaaannnnddd, here are the adult books discussed at the Cool Things I’m Reading Panel.  My co-panelists were Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy Books, Nadine from the Phoenix Comic-Con staff, and Patrick from Poisoned Pen Books.  Brief teasers follow for the books I’ve read.

Rachel Rising: The Shadow of Death (Rachel Rising, #1) Rachel Rising by Terry Moore

Beautiful graphic novel written and illustrated by Terry Moore.  This is the horror story of Rachel, who awakens and drags herself out of a shallow grave in the woods outside of her small town. She returns home with plans to resume her life as if nothing unusual happened, only to realize she’s lost 3 days, and that’s not all.

Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson

This book was ridiculous and horrible and sad and hilarious and weird as shit. And I loved it.
It’s the “mostly true” story of of how Jenny Lawson grew up in a tiny town in Texas with a crazy taxidermist father. The phrase “you’re going to get blood on you” came up A LOT.  If you are not easily offended, or like being offended, this is for you.

The Parasol Protectorate series, beginning with Soulless, by Gail Carriger

A comedic paranormal romance with a steampunk setting. It has an outspoken, soulless spinster, werewolves, vampires, and comedy, so I loved every page.

Shattered by Kevin Hearne 

The Goblin Emperor The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear Range of Ghosts (Eternal Sky, #1)

  After Life with Archie by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa ; artwork by Francesco Francavilla ; lettering by Jack Morelli.

Alpha by Greg Rucka Alpha

Ancillary Justice (Imperial Radch, #1) Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie(after the panel happened, this debut novel went on to win the Nebula AND the Hugo!)

Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia Monster Hunter International (MHI, #1)

Empire of Salt Empire of Salt by Weston Ochse

The Slab by Jeffrey Mariotte The Slab

Wicked After Midnight (Blud, #3) Wicked After Midnight by Delilah Dawson

Midnight Crossroads by Charlaine Harris Midnight Crossroad (Midnight, Texas, #1)

The Pretenders (The Cemetery Girl Trilogy, #1) Cemetery Girl by Christopher Golden and Charlaine Harris

In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker

Tome of the Undergates (Aeons' Gate, #1) Tome of the Undergates by Sam Sykes

Rosemary and Rue by Seanan Maguire Rosemary and Rue (October Daye #1)

Anything by Benedict Jacka

We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

The Innkeeper's Song Innkeepers Song by Peter S. Beagle

Stardust by Neil Gaiman, Illustrated by Charles Vess Stardust, Being a Romance Within the Realms of Faerie Book 1 of 4

Tristan Thorn crosses the wall into the land of Faerie in search of his Heart’s Desire: a shooting star to give to the girl of his dreams. But when he finds the star, he discovers that it does not look, or act, at all the way he expected.

Green (Green Universe #1) Green by Jay Lake

I also wrote down the title of a book called “Ice,” but forgot to write down the author… and there are a lot of books called Ice, so good luck there unless Maryelizabeth remembers :p

Hope this gives you lots of fun things to read.  It has definitely added to the Jenga style piles of books by MY bed!