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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Okay, I have to admit it: I like Twilight. I read all the books, and while I don’t think that they are the most amazing books ever written, I did really like them, and I’ve caught the fever.  How could I not?  I’m a real sucker for supernatural romance.  Besides, I’ve wanted to be a vampire(or date one) since high school, and Stephenie Meyer’s vampires are pretty cool.  Who wouldn’t want eternal youth and beauty, and freedom from sleep?  I hate sleeping, and I always have.  I’d have to start eating animals again, but, shallow person that I am, that’s a sacrifice I’d be willing to make.  Plus, there’s super powers. 🙂

As for the movie, who knows.  I’ll see it tomorrow.  I’m crossing my fingers that it’s a screen translation more reminiscent of Harry Potter than Eragon.  With Kristen Stewart starring, I have hopes.

I haven’t seen the City of Ember movie, or read the book yet, but the book is sitting by my bed.  I guess I’ll have to rent the movie.  I heard it didn’t do too well, which is too bad because I’ve heard so much good stuff about the book.

I’ve also heard that the Tale of Despereaux movie is coming out.  That’s another book I’ll have to add to my Goodreads list.  I read an interview with the author, Kate Dicamillo, years ago, and she said that people had criticized her for some dark themes in her books.  Personally, that only makes me want to read it more.  Someone thought it was inappropriate? *gasp* Where can I get one?  In the interview, Dicamillo pointed out that darkness is a part of everyone’s lives, even children.  It’s true.  Children can be very cruel, whether the realize it or not, and fate it seems does not care enough to spare children from tragedy.  Not all childrens’ books can be happy fairy tales, even the fairy tales.

Despite my views on the necessity of darkness, if I’m positive something is going to be downright depressing, I’m usually not interested.  I read the Kite Runner, and while it was wonderful, it was horrifying, and I had no desire to see the movie.  Likewise, the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas has no real appeal to me, but it is a book based movie coming out.  Nazi movies especially frighten me.

The last book movie that I’ve heard about, and actually wanted to see, is He’s Just Not That Into You.  It’s based on a non-fiction book, and it has a star studded cast.  I’m always intrigued to see how they turn non-fiction books into a movie with a plot.  Despite the Lindsay Lohan-ness, I actually liked Mean Girls.  Don’t know if I’ll get around to reading that book or not, though.  I admit it, I almost never finish non-fiction books, even when I do sit down to read them.  Since there’s no story progression, I can just flip through the chapters that interest me, and skip the rest.  Bad librarian, I know.

And that’s more than enough from me today.